Sandra Sinsch



  • music pedagogy
  • music therapy
  • music geragogy 
  • community music

Additional qualifications

  • Sound massage practitioner  P. Hess®
  • MUSAD - Music-based Autism Diagnosis
  • MUPA certification-  Muslims in psychotherapy
  • Seminar leader's licence for Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Jacobsen) and Autogenic Training
  • Foreign languages: Turkish, French, English (fluent written and spoken), Latin & Ottoman (as needed for source studies)

Some important stations

  • researcher and music therapist in a state forensic clinic 
  • Lecturer at the State Conservatory of Turkish Music at Istanbul Technical University
  • Solo oboist Bibliotheca Alexandrina Symphony Orchestra and the orchestra at the Sayed Darwish Theatre in Alexandria, Egypt
  • Solo oboist in German state orchestras
  • Historical oboist in leading European ensembles, concerts at festivals such as the Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, Tage Alter Musik Innsbruck, Händel Festspiele Halle and in concert halls such as the Berlin Philharmonie, the Konzerthaus Dortmund or the CRR Istanbul, numerous recordings for radio and on CD. 
  • Programme planning for orchestras and intercultural ensembles
  • Project management in the cultural sector
  • Education programmes with a focus on music from the Middle East


  • Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation
  • 1st prize in the competition for wind instruments of the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe
  • Competition for Early Music of the Fritz Neumeyer Academy for Early Music and German National Radio (SR)
  • ECHO Klassik, Germany's major classical music award, for the Pera Ensemble's CD production ‘Baroque oriental’
  • Rast Music Award for the paper and conference presentation 

       "Music educational processes in old age: An introduction to the                   young academic discipline of music geragogy"

  • Correctional Excellence Award from the International Corrections & Prisons Association (ICPA) for innovative music programmes for inmates that fulfil the fundamental right to cultural education and participation.

My academic work to date has the following specialisations

  • Music at the interface of therapy and education in the penal system
  • Arabic and Ottoman music therapy, its sources, history and implementation in contemporary therapy settings
  • Culturally and religiously sensitive musical programmes and therapy with a focus on Muslim senior citizens
  • The Quran in holistic therapeutic contexts
  • Music and healing rituals: The Egyptian Zar Ceremony
  • Arabic and Ottoman influences on European art music
  • Islamic music in European sources 1500-1850

Please contact me for a detailed academic CV and my publication list. 

‘Şifam - beyond music’ 

Şifam is music for the soul. The project draws on the sounds that were used in hospitals in the Arab world from the 8th century onwards and later in the Ottoman Empire. The sounds of water and nature - or even the tambura - are an integral part of the concept. Click to listen. 



Ney & Tambura

Alla Turca Kollektif

The Alla Turca Kollektif is an ensemble of specialists in historical performance practice from Turkey and Europe. The ensemble's repertoire spans the 15th to early 19th centuries and focusses on musical border crossings between Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Performances include the most important festivals in Germany and abroad, such as the Tage Alter Musik Herne and the Bodenseefestival. Recordings have been made for Swiss radio and the German national radio station WDR. Here are some examples: Click to listen.

Ali Ufkî Bey (1610 - 1675):  Nikriz Peşrev from: Mecmua-i Sâz ü Söz

Dimitri Kantemiroğlu (1673-1723): Hüseynî Peşrev, Sakîl' Subh-i Seher (Edvar N.198)

 Zurnazen İbrahim Ağa (?-1715):   Uşşak Peşrev 'Çenber' 

Look out, we have three channels on YouTube. Yes, we always forget a password ;-)



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